Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has inaugurated a new campus of Cognizant on Wednesday. The 10-lakh sq ft office has 16 floors and can seat 9,000 associates. The company’s Hyderabad operations, kickstarted in 2002, now employ about 57,000 employees. Of these, about 39 per cent are women.
Addressing a gathering after the inauguration, the Chief Minister said that his recent visit to the US and Korea had brought in investments to the tune of ₹36,000 crore. These investments would help create over 30,750 jobs. “We will set up an Investor Task Force to promote investments,” he said.
He said the ‘Future State of Telangana’ will have three growth engines – one around the Core Hyderabad Urban area, the other at the Semi-Urban area around the city and the third beyond the upcoming Regional Ring Road,” he said.
Skilled workforce
“The new facility is more than an expansion — it’s a strategic investment in Hyderabad’s thriving tech ecosystem. It enables us to deliver cutting-edge solutions in AI, ML, Data Engineering, and IoT for our global clients, while creating thousands of new opportunities for local talent,” said Surya Gummadi, Executive Vice-President and President (Cognizant Americas).
“The employees here have skills in data modernisation, analytics, Generative AI, Intelligent Process Automation, Internet of Things, Edge and Cloud Product Engineering, cloud technologies, smart manufacturing, mobility and sustainability solutions,” a company official said.
He said about 8,500 outreach volunteers contributed over 31,600 hours. “By the first half of 2024, this momentum continued with 7,706 unique volunteers already clocking 23,306 hours of service,” he said.
For the new facility, the company is planning to achieve LEED platinum certification as it is equipped with circadian lighting, advanced air purification systems and non-toxic materials, providing a healthy indoor environment for the employees, a statement said.
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