Google has launched a new credential manager API for app developers, that will make it easy to provide hassle-free sign-in experience in their apps, regardless of the type of credentials required.

The latest credential manager API by Google is designed to streamline credentials stored in a user’s Google account with easy access. Once the new credential manage API is integrated, an app can ask Google to review a list of credentials associated with an app or service, and users can use any one from the list at-one-go. The Credential Manager API also supports saving passwords for new and existing accounts, or setting up a passkey with services that support it, reports say.

Credential Manager API

Credential Manager API | Photo Credit: -

The new credential manager API aims at bringing together sign-in solutions and passkeys. Credential Manager allows users to create passkeys and store them in Google Password Manager. Their passkeys will sync across all of their devices that are signed in to the same Google Account, allowing users to seamlessly sign in to apps that support passkeys across these devices, says the blogpost on Android App Developers.