Google has added new features for travellers to filter searches for sustainable options while booking flights, hotels and train tickets. The features will let users see estimated carbon emissions on flights and check for ‘eco-label’ certification on properties from a trusted third-party group, Google said in its statement.

The new features will be available to users in select countries, including Germany, Spain, Italy and Japan. The company will expand to more locations in future and add similar features for bus tickets as well.

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Google Flights will allow users to locate flights that have lower emissions. Similarly, the tech giant lets users filter eco-certified hotels on The company has associated with organisations, including the US Green Building Council for LEED ratings and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council to improve the accuracy of search results.

Google is also bringing a new module to simplify searches for train travel services. At present, users have to perform two separate searches to track the price and schedules of trains. The new module will let users make train-related searches and set a departure date and compare schedules.