Evernote is a great app for taking notes. We can format notes, insert links and attachments are not limited to pictures like in other diary apps. But can it be used as a daily journal or a diary?

Evernote does not have a ‘diary option’ out of the box. We have to tweak it a little to make it work like one.

Also read: Digital diaries

First, open a new notebook and call it Diary. Or create separate notebooks for every year, say, Diary 2017.

Now, when we create a new note under the Diary 2017 notebook, we can provide the date as the name for each note for easy identification. Or if we prefer to have a separate page (note) for each entry, we can give the date and then the entry name.

For example, July 2, 2017 : Shopping

That’s it. The advantages with Evernote as a diary are many such as provision for links, attachments and tags. We can upload PDFs of receipts and bills and pictures of vacations.

The link part is particularly useful. We can link related notes which makes referring easy. For instance, if we have an appointment today with a doctor and have to go for a laboratory test next week, we can link both the notes so that you can refer one from the other. We can also upload prescriptions, lab test reports and bills and link them so that we have everything handy.

Here’s Evernote’s own description on how to create links .

One more useful Evernote tool that can be integrated with the diary is the Calendar Template. Again, if you make an entry and give a link to the entry in the calendar template for the date, you can see all the entries for the year at a glance on the respective dates.