Instagram has launched a ‘quiet mode’ feature to turn off notifications and send an auto-reply.

The profile status will also change when the feature is enabled.

Instagram prompt in direct messages

Instagram prompt in direct messages

“We will prompt teens to enable Quiet mode when they spend a specific amount of time on Instagram late at night,” the company said in a blog post. At present, the feature is available in the US, UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand and is expected to launch in more countries soon.

Also read: How to conduct polls via direct messages on Instagram

How to enable Quiet Mode on Instagram
Quiet mode enabled

Quiet mode enabled

Step 1: Go to the Instagram settings tab.

Step 2: Click on notifications.

Step 3: Choose to pause all and enable quiet mode.

You will receive a prompt saying, “You won’t receive push notifications, but you will be able to see new notifications when you open Instagram.”

Step 4: Opt for the duration you want to pause the notification.

Also read: Know how to collaborate with others on Instagram

In addition, the platform also lets users control their recommendations. When a user selects ‘not interested’ on a post seen in explore tab, Instagram will avoid showing similar content in Reels and searches. Users can add words, emojis, and hashtags that they may want to avoid in feeds.

Not Interested option in Explore tab

Not Interested option in Explore tab

Hide posts on Instagram

Hide posts on Instagram

Hide posts by keywords on Instagram

Hide posts by keywords on Instagram

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