LinkedIn has rolled out verification tools to protect job seekers from frauds. According to a blog post by LinkedIn, the company will start displaying verified information about a job post or the related company.

LinkedIn: Verified information about a job post

LinkedIn: Verified information about a job post

“When you see verifications on job posts, that means there is information that has been verified as authentic by the job poster, LinkedIn or one of our partners,” the company said.

It will also show whether the poster is affiliated to an official company page, has verified their work email or workplace, or their government ID was verified through CLEAR, a secure identity platform.

“Verifications on job postings are just rolling out, and as we expand access to our free verification tools, you’ll see even more across the jobs you’re exploring,” LinkedIn added.

Recently, LinkedIn introduced ways for users in the US to verify their identity and workplace. When users verify their identity, their profile displayed a new “verifications” section under the ‘connect’ and ‘message’ buttons. Visitors to the profile will see a checkmark next to a “Government ID” banner, indicating that the profile user has “a verified government ID.”