Microsoft India has announced the availability of HoloLens 2 in the country. According to the press release, “the HoloLens 2 brings in capabilities and value of mixed reality solutions to Indian enterprises”.

The mixed reality headset blends both the physical and digital worlds covering from augmented reality to virtual reality. To augment the jobs of first-line employees in various sectors especially in manufacturing, health, and automotive among others, and to significantly benefit businesses and industries, the HoloLens 2 have been introduced in India. 


The HoloLens 2 is said to improve work productivity, accuracy, and upskilling in the manufacturing and automotive industry. It also enables remote maintenance and reduces downtime. 

Moreover, the mixed reality headset also facilitates in the healthcare sector by facilitating training and simulations, as well as remote consultations among experts. In education, the lens brings learning outcomes through interactive experiences. 


The HoloLens 2 comes in a single size and weighs 566 g. The lens operates in a Windows Holographic Operating System with Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, Dynamics 365 Guides, and 3D Viewer. The HoloLens 2 comes with a USB-PD for fast charging and has a battery life of 2 to 3 hours of active use. 

Moreover, the HoloLens 2 also consists of 4 visible-light cameras, 2 IR cameras, and a 1MP time of flight depth sensor. The headset also comprises hand tracking, eye tracking, command, and control over the device among others. The price of the HoloLens 2 is about $3,500 dollars approximately costing ₹2.6 lakh. 

HoloLens 2 is available in India via commercial authorized resellers Softline and Team Computer. Trade inquiries can be routed to the authorized distributor Redington India.