Microsoft has taken a slew of measures to take its cloud computing technologies to 10 million small and medium businesses in India.

Talking to BusinessLine , Meetul Patel, General Manager, SMS&P, Microsoft India, said that with the mushrooming of a start-up ecosystem, powered by e-commerce companies, has laid the foundation for increased usage of cloud computing technologies. “This momentum will help propel adoption by other companies as they see used cases by start-ups,” he added.

To reach out to these millions of prospective users, Microsoft has partnered with Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI), who counts 3,000 direct memb ers and 200,000 indirect members to help evangelise and spread awareness of Microsoft’s cloud computing technologies such as Office 365 and Windows Azure. “Our network, which can be used to share information and facilitate business, is in line with the ‘Digital India’ initiative by the government,” said Tallam Dwarakanath, President, FKCCI.

Additionally, the Redmond-based giant plans to partner with independent software vendors (who build software based on Microsoft technologies), which can be used by SMBs with which it can continue its lead over Google.

Industry watchers pointed out that this approach will help businesses that are often constrained by manpower and capital but are keen to compete, especially since 90 per cent of computers still run Microsoft software.