In what may be a first, food ordering and delivery platform - Swiggy and Hotstar, a premium streaming platform, are coming together to allow consumers to order their favorite meal from Swiggy, without taking their eyes off a single ball.

Swiggy POP, Swiggy’s curated single-serve meals from top restaurants across the neighborhood, will be integrated on the Hotstar App making for a pleasurable viewing as well as food ordering experience.

Hunger numbers

Swiggy’s food ordering analysis from the cricketing season last year indicated an increase in online orders during the IPL season. Swiggy saw a 25 per cent increase in order numbers during the season, compared to pre-season, with the highest number of orders received on the day of the finale.

Srivats TS, VP Marketing at Swiggy, said, “Our collaboration with Hotstar aims to satisfy the insatiable love we Indians have for Cricket and Food. We believe a nail biter of a match accompanied with great food is a delicious combination to serve up this cricketing season! We are extremely pleased to present this innovation in association with Hotstar. Through this, we hope to build a deeper bond with our cricket crazy fans by offering them an uninterrupted viewing and extremely convenient food ordering experience.”

Engaging experience

This integration with Swiggy is part of Hotstar’s bid to provide viewers with an engaging experience for VIVO IPL 2019.

With the motto of ‘Koi Yaar Nahi Far’, Hotstar is rolling out a first-ever social cricket-watching experience which will provide viewers the opportunity to invite, chat and compete with their friends and family.

On the back of this, the streaming giant expects to reach over 300 million viewers, about 50 percent more than last year.