Call it moonlighting effect. OpenOffers, a commitment intelligence platform, has signed up with over 310 Indian enterprises in just three months of its launch to digitally track the behaviour of new and existing employees.

Based on past record, the platform has also come up with hiring equivalent score just like CIBIL rating for taking loans.

The enterprise Saas platform has already maped over 2000 candidate commitments with 310 companies availing its service and will keep track on these candidate commitment for 90 days.

OpenOffers tracks a candidate’s journey from the day they accept a job offer until either they back out or join the company and thereafter for at least three months.

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It gathers conflicting commitment signals of candidates on a single timeline anonymously across respective companies. This helps recruiters know in time whether the candidate is likely to join or back out or has already joined somewhere else. OpenOffers computes candidate ghosting score and joining propensity based on the commitment signals given to different companies.

In the last few months, moonlighting and candidates backing out at the last minute from their commitment to join, and candidates absconding have been a big challenge for IT companies.

Ayushi Rungta, Founder and CEO, OpenOffers said the company aims to challenge the status quo in the recruitment industry and will keep innovating till establishing transparency, authenticity, and trust in hiring for companies and candidates alike, she said.

In addition to intelligence on offer backouts, the company also brings forth insights into candidates absconding after receiving the offer and moonlighting by joining multiple companies.

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It is also building a network of enterprises so that they can share these commitment signals anonymously with each other.

With demand for quality talent outstripping supply in niche skilled professionals most of them would have multiple offers. This is commoditising the overall recruitment and is a business risk for companies. Multiple offers are less of a problem, but non-clarity in decision-making is a concern, said Vishal Chaudhari, co-Founder and Head of Growth, Marketing, and Sales, OpenOffers, which was launched in April by HR practitioner and start-up industry veterans, Ayushi Rungta, Vishal Chaudhari, and Vashistha Aggarwal,