How long will it take for humans to build a robot that is self aware? Dr David Hanson, the creator of the first humanoid Sophia, says we can expect one in the next five to ten years.

Hanson, founder of Hanson Robotics, showcased his baby Sophia at the Nasscom India Leadership Forum (NILF) here on Tuesday. He shares his concerns on machines that could go wrong. “They don’t understand the consequences (of what they do) and can be catastrophic. Now is the time to understand,” he says.

A huge gathering of over 600 delegates gathered here to get a chance to see and interact with Sophia. She interacted with journalist Rajiv Makhani and answered scripted and unscripted answers.

Replying to a question on how humans could get smarter, she feels they can do better by being kinder and by helping each other. In a rapid fire questions, she says she likes Shahrukh Khan. The audience, however, were a bit disappointed as they were not allowed to interact with Sophia.