Instant sharing photo app Instagram is one of the most popularly used apps in recent times, for both professional and personal use.

The recent tweaks

The Meta-owned app provides for upgrades every now and then. In a recent app update, Instagram has tweaked a few things. The changes come with the 270.0 version of Instagram.

  • One of the noticeable changes that Instagram has brought about reflects on the Home page. Earlier, Instagram had the ‘+’ icon to add post, story, reel or lives in one go. The current update brings the ‘+’ icon down at the middle and pushes up the ‘heart’ icon meant for notification to the top-right corner.
  • The other change is seen when one wants to view an user’s profile through DM section. When one taps on the user name within the DM section to view shared media or set theme, the page looks more compact and easy to access.
  • Instagram has also added a new feature where users can now search for a particular text in the DMs. The magnifying icon next to the Profile icon helps users search through DMs.