Spotify users will soon be able to discover new music and podcasts from the artists and shows they follow on a feed called 'What's New.'

What's new is a new feed on the Spotify app which will let users find new content from the artists and shows that they follow in real time.

As shared on Stream On in February, over 50,000 hours of content is uploaded to Spotify every day. The new feed is meant to make it easier for users to discover new content from their favourite creators.

"What’s New makes it easier than ever to catch all the latest songs and episodes from the creators you follow. Plus, it’s even updated in real time, so you know you’ll get to listen to new content just as it’s released," Spotify said in a blog post.

Users will be able to access their What’s New feed by clicking on the new bell icon located at the top of the Home tab on their phone.

A blue dot indicator on the bell icon will let users know at a glance if new songs or episodes have been released since their last visit.

The feed also includes filters that will allow them to sort new music releases or new podcasts and show episodes

What’s New will be rolled out to users globally on iOS and Android over the coming weeks, Spotify said.