Digital transformation solutions company UST has announced the winners of the second edition of its ‘D3code’ hackathon for college and university students across India. D3code is one of the many events that took place in the lead-up to UST’s annual technology conference, D3 - Dream, Develop, and Disrupt, which will be held at the ‘O by Tamara’ on Thursday. 

Deep dive

The participants of ‘D3code’ were tasked with diving into the metaverse to explore technologies that help decentralise, localise, curate, and contextualise online experiences. In this year’s competition, the next generation of digital engineers gathered to learn and develop programming and engineering skills. 

Over 840 applications from 146 teams across India participated in D3code, which consisted of three rounds. The selected candidates met with UST’s resident subject matter experts and leading innovators to learn how organisations can strategically create meaningful experiences for customers and consumers. 

Winner from far and near

The shortlisted teams participated in a programming challenge round after which ten teams were selected to move on to the next stage of video interviews. The five finalist teams participated in the 24-hour onsite hackathon at the UST campus in Thiruvananthapuram on Sunday and Monday. 

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Team Orsted Corp. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, received the first prize. Team Meta4 from Sree Chitra Thirunal College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram, and Team GAADfrom College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram (CET) came second and third respectively. Team BlackMirror2.1 from the National Institute of Technology, Silchar, and Team LaxmiChit Fund from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, received honorary mentions.

Annual tech conference

The annual technology conference on Thursday is preceded by a week-long schedule of events including the 24-hour hackathon, a technology expo and lectures. It will feature a keynote address by Krishna Sudheendra, Chief Executive Officer, UST, as well as guest keynotes by eminent digital strategists Zach Piester, Co-founder and Chief Development Officer at Intrepid Ventures; Anshul Rustaggi, Founder of Totality Corp; and a panel discussion featuring Shalu Jhunjhunwala, Director of Professional Services at Google India. 

Key technology leaders from UST such as Niranjan Ramsunder, Chief Technology Officer; Kuruvilla Mathew, Chief Innovation Architect; David Thorpe, Head of Design; Rick Clark, Head of Cloud Advisory; Daniel Field, Global Head of Blockchain; and Varghese Cherian, Head of Technology Services, will be leading various segments during the event.

UST offers for five winners

Manu Gopinath, Chief Operating Officer, UST, said ‘D3code’ allowed the company to meet potential employees and showcase itself as an outstanding workplace. “It is exciting to see innovative thinking and scale potential that will enable businesses in India to solve business challenges, innovate, and grow on the Metaverse,” he added. 

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The first-place winning team was rewarded with ₹7 lakh, the runner-ups received ₹5 lakh and the third-placed, ₹3 lakh. The two teams who received honorary mentions were given ₹2 lakh each. In addition, each member of the top five finalist teams received conditional job offers to join UST.