Zebi, a blockchain solutions company, has launched Zebi Secure Cloud, which promises a forensically-monitored approach to secure cloud data and infrastructure.

“Cloud security is absolutely critical in today’s world to make sure your organisation doesn’t become vulnerable to cyber attacks and data theft,” Pruthvi Rao, Chief Executive Officer, Zebi, said.

In times of cyber security attacks, evidence plays a key role in analysing the nature and extent of damage. But in most cases it is difficult to collect evidence.

The product maintains data in a digitally-indestructible container on every system, much like a flight recorder on aircraft. In the case of an event, this can be retrieved at any time to provide an analysis of what actually happened.

“Statistically, less than 40 per cent of breaches are ever detected, of which more than 70 per cent can’t be conclusively analysed due to deleted or tampered evidence, in the form of logs and files,” he said.

“The product uses a blockchain-based data logging and integrity management system empowering organisations to log the events forensically. It also enables advanced monitoring and analytics and provides integrated data encryption as a service, back-up and recovery.

“Our solution not only monitors events leading up to the incident, but also permits the analysis of logs during and after a security event,” he said.