About 9,000 bags of turmeric including 5,000 bags of new turmeric arrived for sale on Friday. “More than 100 farmers from various places brought their turmeric for sale,” said RKV Ravishankar, President, Erode Turmeric Merchants Association. “About 50 traders who attended the market purchased a good number of turmeric bags for their local and upcountry demand. The new turmeric finger variety turmeric was sold at ₹7,788 a quintal based on its quality. There was no improvement in root variety turmeric. This is due to the closure of all the four turmeric markets for the next 11 days, to be reopened only on April 1 per the government order due to the coronavirus panic.”

He said the traders, after getting orders from other places, are sending limited stocks through trucks, keeping the remaining bags with them for disbursement later. They purchased 65-70 per cent of the turmeric that arrived.

The Sangli turmeric market is already closed and the other major turmeric markets such as Nizamabad will be closed from Saturday.

At the Erode Turmeric Merchants Association Sales Yard, finger turmeric was sold at ₹5599-7,788 a quintal and the root variety at ₹5,322-6,869. Of the 5,990 bags of turmeric that arrived for sale, 3,157 bags were sold.

At the Regulated Marketing Committee, finger turmeric was sold at ₹5,634-7,000 a quintal and the root variety at ₹5,089-6,289. Against an arrival of 984 bags, 761 bags were sold.

At the Erode Cooperative Marketing Society, finger turmeric was sold at ₹6,599-7,099 a quintal and the root variety at ₹5,760-6,400. Of the 2,347 bags kept for sale, 1,655 bags were sold.