Despite increased arrivals, the trend at the Kochi tea auctions was irregular and prices ruled lower especially for high-priced teas.

Though the market opened on a steady note, the drop was less for medium and plainer varieties. In sale no 16, the quantity on offer in CTC dust grades was 10,32,500 kg, with 88 per cent getting sold.

However, the demand was less for Orthodox grades and the quantity on offer was 18,500 kg, showing an upward trend. The market for primary dust was dearer, while others were irregular and lower, witnessing lot of withdrawals.

In Cochin CTC dust quotation, good grades fetched ₹100-145, mediums ruled ₹76-115 and plain varieties stood at ₹63-75.

In the leaf category, the quantity on offer in Orthodox grades was 99,000 kg. With a fair demand, the market for Nilgiri Brokens was lower by ₹5-10. Corresponding whole leaf declined by longer margins by ₹10-20.

In CTC leaf, the market for good liquoring teas remained steady and the quantity on offer was 84,000 kg, registering a growth compared to last week.

In the dust category, Waterfall (Prm) SFD quoted the best prices of ₹146 followed by Kallyar SFD and Mayura SFD at ₹145 each. In leaf grades, Chamraj FOP (SuP) Green Tea fetched the best prices of ₹325 followed by Kodanaad TGFOP at ₹301.