Pepper futures market on Monday moved up on speculation citing absence of sellers. Spot prices, however, remained unchanged on sluggish activities. Cheaper availability of high bulk density pepper from Karnataka has reportedly driven the buyers to there, even though moisture content is higher than that of Kerala, market sources told BusinessLine .

On the terminal market, three tonnes of High Range pepper were traded at ₹670 a kg. New pepper from Pathanamthitta district is available at ₹640-650. Spot prices remained unchanged at ₹65,700 (ungarbled) and ₹68,700 (garbled) a quintal. January, February and March contracts on the IPSTA increased by ₹1,000 a quintal to ₹68,000, ₹66,000 and ₹61,000. Export prices were $10,450 a tonne c&f for Europe and $10,700 for the US.