Spot rubber continued to rule weak in the absence of genuine buyers on Wednesday. RSS 4 dropped to ₹131.50 (132) a kg as per traders. The grade declined to ₹132 (132.50) and ₹129 (129.50) respectively according to the Rubber Board and the dealers.

November futures slid to ₹127.70 ( ₹127.88), December to ₹127.60 ( ₹128.06) and January to ₹128.89 (₹129.08) on NMCE. RSS 3 (spot) weakened to ₹109.24 (110.67) at Bangkok.

October futures dropped to ₹119.96 (120.14) on TOCOM. spot rates ( ₹/kg) follow: RSS-4: 131.50 (132); RSS-5: 128 (130); ISNR 20: 114 (115) and Latex (60% drc): 82.50 (83).