Shanghai zinc jumped more than 3 per cent to the highest in more than two weeks on Friday amid sliding stockpiles in London and signs that China may be taking steps to de-escalate its trade dispute with the United States.

China has delivered a written response to US demands for wide-ranging trade reforms ahead of expected talks between US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of a G20 summit in Argentina later this month.

“Trade tension has been weighing on the base metals sector for the past six months, so this latest move represents some hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel,” ANZ analysts said in a note.

The most-traded January zinc contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange rose as much as 3.3 per cent to 21,645 yuan a tonne, its loftiest since October 30. It was up 3 per cent at 21,580 yuan by 0155 GMT. The gains followed a 3 per cent overnight rally in zinc on the London Metal Exchange. LME zinc was last trading at $2,593 a tonne, up 0.7 per cent.

LME zinc stocks fell to a decade-low of 125,400 tonnes, data showed, while on-warrant or available stocks hit their lowest since February. Global zinc market deficit narrowed to 54,700 tonnes in September from a revised deficit of 81,800 tonnes in August, data from the International Lead and Zinc Study Group showed on Wednesday.

Copper treatment and refining charges

Chinese copper smelter Jiangxi Copper and miner Antofagasta have agreed 2019 copper treatment and refining charges (TC/RCs) at $80.80 a tonne and 8.08 cents a pound, three sources familiar with the matter said. The refining charges agreed between Jiangxi and Antofagasta, the first major deal for 2019 which typically sets the benchmark for the sector, are down from the 2018 benchmark of $82.25 a tonne and 8.225 cents a pound.

“The concluded annual TC/RC for 2019 reflects a much better supply and demand fundamentals globally. We expect copper prices to be well supported by the recent developments and outlook,” Argonaut Securities said in a note.

Chile's state copper agency Cochilco had lowered its average copper price prediction for this year by $0.03 to $2.97 per pound on Thursday in its second negative projection in six months. Copper rose 0.2 per cent to $6,194.50 a tonne in London and climbed 0.8 per cent to 49,560 yuan in Shanghai .

Pound hits 2-year low

The British pound suffered its biggest one-day loss against the euro since October 2016 after a bout of political turmoil fanned fears the country could crash out of the European Union without a divorce deal. Hopes for a thaw in Sino-US trade relations boosted Asian equities.