The United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU), the umbrella union of nine trade unions in the banking sector, said it will certainly consider a review of its agitational programmes if there is adequate improvement in the wage revision offer and change in the approach of the Indian Banks' Association (IBA).

As part of a series of agitational programmes, including strikes, UFBU has called for a two-day all-India bank strike on January 31 and February 1 to press for its long-standing demands like adequate additional loading instead of limiting it to 2 per cent, merger of Special Allowance with Basic Pay, five day Banking, defined working hours for officers, updation of pension, etc.

"Even though we are equally eager to resolve the issues and arrive at a mutually acceptable settlement at the earliest, the IBA’s rigid standpoints does not leave any room to do so. Hence, left with no other option, UFBU had to decide to launch agitational programmes and strike action to highlight our just demands," said SK Bandlish, Convener, UFBU.

Having regard to unabated inflation, increasing workload on the workforce, relativity issues, etc. UFBU, said it has been demanding and expecting a fair and reasonable offer from the IBA so that the issue can be clinched amicably.

Over the last 20 months, IBA improved its wage revision offer five times from 2 per cent made in May 2018 to 12.25 per cent in January 2020.

CH Venkatachalam, General Secretary, All India Bank Employees Association, observed that when the wages were last revised by 15 per cent for five years (from November 1, 2012 to October 31, 2017), the unions will not settle for anything less in the 11th bipartite wage settlement .

Regarding Performance Linked Incentive, UFBU said it has repeatedly clarified that the same would be over and above the wage revision increase agreed at a common level for all the Banks.

"Now linking it along with the offer on wage revision and giving an impression that the wage revision would be at 12.25 per cent + 2.74 per cent (14.99 per cent) is unfair and hence not proper." said Bandlish.

Venkatachalam said UFBU has announced serious of agitational programmes and strike actions in the face of IBA’s rigid approach in the negotiations.