The Kerala High Court, on Thursday, restrained the management of Corporation Bank from holding any sort of demonstration by its employees in front of a loan defaulter’s residence demanding repayment of the loan amount.

Justice Dama Seshadri Naidu, while passing the order, observed that the bank could still have its legal methods of recovery. The court did not come in its way. But its officials could not conduct any sort of ‘ halla bol ’ (demonstration holding placards). “Prima facie, it affected the petitioner’s right to privacy – a most-cherished fundamental, though unenumerated right,” the court observed.

The order came on the petition filed by Anil Kumar P of Ravipuram, Kochi. According to him, he had availed a Mudra Shishu loan of ₹50,000 under the Prime Minister’s Mudra Yojana scheme, launched in 2015, with a mission to create an inclusive, sustainable and value-based entrepreneurial culture for achieving economic success and financial security.

In fact, he had already repaid ₹37,000. However, a group of nearly 10 bank employees, along with the Chief Manager of the Ravipuram branch, took out a march to the residence of the petitioner holding the placards to “refund public money”. The illegal activities of the bank had caused irreparable damage to the petitioner. The manager had also threatened that the demonstration would be organised again.