An idea can change your life. Yes, we have heard that a lot, and we know it’s true. But what we don’t know is... how to sell the idea, how to take it to the right people and make it a success.

Ideas without takers are mere dreams. They may be fantastic, but pointless. A concept becomes a concrete venture only when you convince a group of people about it.

Yes, In this edition of Startup Saturday, we’re discussing just that... defining the target group.

Here is a quick question. Have you ever tried selling winter jackets in the month of May in Chennai? If your answer is yes, who bought them and why? If your customers had plans of going to the Swiss Alps in the summer, then your strategy was the wisest of them all. But, if you believed that Chennai’s residents would invest in winter wear during the scorching heat of May, you are truly crazy!

So, you need to define the target group, study its members, as well as present the concept effectively and efficiently.

Defining a target audience requires more than surveys. Most ideas are often solutions to a problem. A few great ideas of the past had cropped up when entrepreneurs spent long hours with a particular group of people. These ideas include Facebook, YouTube and more.

Here are a few facts that you ought to remember when you are choosing the ideal target group for your product of service.

Target groups and age-groups are not necessarily alike. The target group could even be a niche set of personalities that are in search of a particular service or product. These could include musicians, artists, book lovers and more.

Interaction with the target group works wonders. Social media platforms and other public forums like The Indus Entrepreneurs and Meetups allow you to do so. This not only helps your understand their requirements but also allows you to dig deeper into their mindsets. After all, when you know how they think, you will know how and what to sell.

Your target group can either make or break your business. Being blessed with the gift of the gab or an ability to sell refrigerators to an Eskimo is not a fine strategy. With improved means of communication, you are more likely to face the music even when your failures are not entirely your own. For example, many people go haywire on whatsapp or twitter the moment when food delivery persons deliver the food 30 seconds later than the promised duration. How is ghastly traffic his fault? Well, apparently it is.