During the First International Solar Festival, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “In 2015, the ISA began as a small sapling. It was a moment of hope and aspiration. Today, it is growing into a giant tree inspiring policy and action. In such a short time, the membership of ISA had reached a milestone of 100 countries. Additionally, 19 more countries are ratifying the framework agreement for attaining full membership. The growth of this organization is important for the vision of One World, One Sun. In the past few years, India has taken many massive strides in green energy. We were the first G20 nation to achieve the Paris commitments in renewable energy. The remarkable growth of solar energy is the key reason in making this possible. Our solar energy capacity increased 32-fold in the last 10 years. This speed and scale will also help us achieve 500 Gigawatt non-fossil capacity by 2030. Key to development in the area of solar energy anywhere in the world is: Awareness, Availability and Affordability.”

Video: ANI