The Met subdivision of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry has received 20 per cent excess rainfall until now during the Northeast monsoon season that commenced more than a week behind schedule.

The monsoon has compensated the delay by pounding the twin states with some very heavy to extremely heavy rainfall during the more than two weeks when it has been active.

Excess in Chennai

The state of Tamil Nadu has received has received excess rainfall of 21 per cent during this period, while Puducherry received only -13 per cent (considered 'normal' deviation within accepted range) of its usual quota until now during the season.

Chennai district has received 41 per cent excess rainfall. But Tirunelveli (77 per cent), Kancheepuram (75 per cent), Tiruvallur (within which the Red Hills lake, the rain-fed reservoir that supplies water to Chennai falls, 64 per cent), and Krishnagiri (55 per cent), are among those which have recorded above 50 per cent of excess rainfall.

Upward revision

The rainfall records are set for upward revision given the fact that a well-marked low-pressure area pumping rain in recent times is now entrenched over Sri Lanka.

Its refusal to move out of its perch over Sri Lanka before making the eventual journey towards Tamil Nadu only goes to make even more sustained the expected rainfall for Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, and the coastal region in particular, during the next few days.