The Centre has set a new target for the achievement of complete household electrification across the country, as has missed its December 31 deadline. The new deadline is March 31, 2019.

Earlier this year, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Power and Renewable Energy, RK Singh, had said the nation is expected to achieve 100 per cent electrification by December 31, 2018. This target has been missed and the Centre said it has completed electrification in 100 per cent households in just 25 States at the year-end.

“Now, only about 10.48 lakh households are left to be electrified in 4 States, namely Assam, Rajasthan, Meghalaya and Chhattisgarh. These States are also taking all concerted efforts to achieve, at the earliest, saturation of household electrification in their respective States,” a Power Ministry statement said.

Under the Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana (Saubhagya scheme), the Centre with the support of State Power Departments and discoms, connected about 2.39 crore households since the launch of the scheme in September 2017.