The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) is launching a winter school session on climate change and its effects on fisheries and marine ecosystem.

The 21-day winter school session titled ‘Climate change impacts and resilience options for Indian marine fisheries’ will be held from November 8 to 29 at the CMFRI.

Leading scientists and academicians will head the discussions.

Issues such as rising ocean temperatures, ocean acidification and altering of aquatic ecosystem among others will be discussed, in addition to finding ways and means to tackle the situation.

The winter school is aimed at equipping scientists, researchers and other stakeholders with the tools and requisite knowledge to assess and adapt to the changes being brought by climatic variations.

It is organised under the National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) project, PU Zacharia, Principal Investigator of the NICRA project at CMFRI and course coordinator of the winter school said.