The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is committed to resolve the Iran nuclear issue through dialogue though no concrete result has been achieved during the last round of talks, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said today.

Terming the Iran nuclear issue as “very complicated”, Amano asked the leadership in Tehran to fulfil its UN obligations and assure it that its nuclear activities were for peaceful purposes.

“We have not yet reached an agreement and as a consequence no concrete result has been achieved,” he told reporters here adding that he has asked Iran to work with a sense of urgency on the issue.

Amano said he had told the meeting of the IAEA Board of Governors last week that “we have to work on this issue with a sense of urgency“.

The agreement between Iran and the IAEA must be in accordance with effective verification practices, he said referring to the late February meeting between IAEA officials and Iranian diplomats in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

“The IAEA is committed to solve the issue through dialogue. We will continue the dialogue and hope we can report good results in June,” he said.

IAEA has been demanding access to Iran’s nuclear facilities to ensure that it has not diverted nuclear material for military use.

Iran has been maintaining that its nuclear programme was for peaceful purposes.

Amano “deeply regretted” North Korea’s third nuclear test conducted on February 12 and asked it to abide by and implement UN resolutions in this regard.

“North Korea has an obligation to discontinue nuclear activities and abandon nuclear weapons,” he said.