The US Consulate General in Hyderabad and the Nexus Startup Hub are hosting a Defence Startups Workshop from December 16-17 at the T-Hub here.

The workshop will focus on defence startups, in tandem with the larger US-India Defence ties. It will bring together entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, and the government officials to demonstrate how startups and their technologies can build on both countries’ achievements in defence innovation and further strengthen collaboration in defence manufacturing.

The bilateral defence relationship between the US-India is strong and continues to grow. The partnership has evolved into a strategic relationship involving joint research, co-development and production of high-end defence equipment and expanded cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.

US and Indian companies are already collaborating in the co-production of C-130 transport aircraft, F-16 fighter planes, and Apache helicopters at joint facilities in Hyderabad. Through US-India private sector collaboration, Hyderabad and other innovation centres in India continue to evolve as important aerospace and defence manufacturing hubs.

In addition to the first-ever tri-service military exercise between India and the US, Tiger Triumph, on the Andhra Pradesh coast in November, the Port of Visakhapatnam has welcomed three US Navy ship visits in the past year.