Following is the chronology of events in the keenly watched trial of the December 16 gangrape and murder case of a 23-year-old girl in which a Delhi court today awarded death penalty to the four convicts:

* Dec 16, 2012 : Paramedic student gangraped and brutally assaulted by six persons in a private bus and thrown out of the moving vehicle along with her male friend. They were admitted to Safdarjung Hospital.

* Dec 17 : Widespread protests breakout demanding strict action against the accused.

* Dec 17 : Police identifies four accused – bus driver Ram Singh, his brother Mukesh, Vinay Sharma and Pawan Gupta.

* Dec 18 : Ram Singh and three others are arrested.

* Dec 20 : Victim’s friend testifies.

* Dec 21 : Delinquent juvenile nabbed from Anand Vihar bus terminal in Delhi.

Victim’s friend identifies Mukesh as one of the culprits.

Police conduct raids in Haryana and Bihar to nab the sixth accused, Akshay Thakur.

* Dec 21-22 : Thakur arrested in Aurangabad district of Bihar and brought to Delhi. Victim records statement before the SDM in hospital.

* Dec 23 : Protesters defy prohibitory orders, take to streets. Delhi Police Constable Subhash Tomar, on duty to control protests, rushed to hospital with fatal injuries.

* Dec 25 : Girl’s condition declared critical. Constable Tomar succumbs to injuries.

* Dec 26 : Following a cardiac arrest, victim flown to Singapore’s Mount Elizabeth Hospital by the government.

* Dec 29 : Victim succumbs to injuries and other medical conditions at 2:15 am. Police add murder charge in the FIR.

* Jan 2, 2013 : The then Chief Justice of India Altamas Kabir inaugurates fast track court (FTC) for speedy trial in sexual offence cases.

* Jan 3 : Police files charge sheet against five adult accused for offences including murder, gang-rape, attempt to murder, kidnapping, unnatural offences and dacoity etc.

* Jan 5 : Court takes cognisance of the charge sheet.

* Jan 7 : Court orders in-camera proceedings.

* Jan 17 : FTC starts proceedings against five adult accused.

* Jan 28 : Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) says minority of juvenile accused is proved.

* Feb 2 : FTC frames charges against five adult accused.

* Feb 28 : JJB frames charges against the minor.

* Mar 11 : Ram Singh commits suicide in Tihar jail.

* Mar 22 : Delhi HC allows national media to report trial court’s proceedings.

* Jul 5 : Inquiry (trial) in JJB against juvenile in gang-rape-cum-murder case and robbery matter concludes. JJB reserves verdict for July 11.

* Jul 8 : FTC completes recording of testimonies of prosecution witnesses.

* Jul 11 : JJB holds minor guilty of illegally confining and robbing a carpenter on December 16 night before allegedly taking part in the gang-rape.

Delhi High Court allows three international news agencies to cover the trial of the case.

* Aug 22 : FTC begins hearing final arguments in trial against four adult accused.

* Aug 31, 2013 : JJB convicts the minor for gang-rape and murder and awards three years term at a probation home.

* Sep 3 : FTC concludes trial. Reserves verdict.

* Sep 10 : Court convicts Mukesh, Vinay, Akshay, Pawan, Mukesh of 13 offences including gang-rape, unnatural offence and murder of the girl and attempt to murder her male friend.

* Sep 11 : Court fixes September 13 for pronouncing sentence after hearing arguments on quantum of punishment to be awarded.

* Sep 13 : Court awards death to all four convicts.