The demand for employee monitoring systems is growing with the work-from-anywhere and work-from-home culture taking root, even as restrictions on the Covid pandemic are being eased out.

Large corporates with branches across countries are vacating offices in smaller towns to save on rent and are allowing employees work-from-home.

Cloud monitoring tools play an important role in protecting the company's network and confidential information from cyberattacks.

Deepa Kotwani, CEO of a cloud-based employee productivity monitoring company, EmpMonitor, said if implemented at an early stage, cloud-based employee monitoring software can detect cyber attacks and protect the network from potential threats.

One of the main issues that employers face in letting their teams work remotely is lack of physical surveillance and vigilance. By using monitoring software, companies can get complete visibility across all staff computers and thus manage the overall workflow, she said.

EmpMonitor has on-boarded 680 companies with the sale of 68,000 licences.

Harshita Kaushik, HR Manager, Myteam11 Fantasy Sports, said with the lockdown and work-from-home, close monitoring has pushed up employees' productivity and has also resulted in up to 25 per cent savings in business cost.

As a word of caution, Kotwani said employees should not be intimidated by the monitoring vigilance.

A majority of personnel working in the corporate sector prefer letting their organisations know their activities during working hours. This way, their management can know what they are up to during their working hours and can assess their work fairly at the end of the month, she added.

When working with monitoring software, companies get an honest analysis of their staff’s whereabouts and should let them know that they trust them. "This is only possible when you track their devices with their consent. Once you have their permission, they know that their bosses are aware of the effort they put in their work," she added.

Monitoring an employee's systems using tools helps meet productivity goals and lowers operational cost.