Two new labs - Renewable Grid Integration Laboratory and Green Hydrogen Laboratory - were inaugurated at the IIT Roorkee’s Department of Hydro and Renewable Energy (HRED). The institute’s Director KK Pant inaugurated them on May 8, says a release.

The HRED developed these labs to ensure that the Department and IIT Roorkee continue to play a major role in reliable, resilient, and Atmanirbhar transition to a clean energy grid in India.

Pant said that the establishment of the labs aims to significantly reduce carbon emissions and increase the use of renewable energy sources and envisages making India a global hub for green hydrogen production and export. Achieving net zero carbon goals requires decarbonisation of the electric grid. Variable renewable energy will be deployed at large scale to develop resilient and renewable energy-based power systems.

Mukesh Singhal, Head HRED, said that the Department is geared up and committed to carrying out research and development work in all areas of renewable energy in a sustainable manner.