Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) and the Karnataka Biotechnology and Information Technology Services of the Karnataka government will establish a bio-incubator centre at Manipal.

HS Ballal, Pro-Chancellor of MAHE, said that the Karnataka government will support MAHE with ₹6.5 crore for five years. MAHE will provide the space and all facilities. Anyone with an innovative idea can come and work on their start-up at the bio-incubator centre, he said.

Manesh Thomas, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Manipal - Government of Karnataka Bio-incubator, told presspersons that the bio-incubator will have world-class facilities, infrastructure and services for the incubation of the start-ups in various domains of bio-pharma, bio-medical devices, dental innovation, bio-technology, healthcare and diagnostics.

This technology business incubator will promote technology innovations for the development of knowledge-based enterprise with successful business models.

The Manipal - Government of Karnataka Bio-incubator will extend all possible support to innovators and start-ups through various schemes and programmes as a part of its policy support, he said.

Bio-incubator programmes are open for all innovators across the globe and have various flexible incubation programmes such as pre-incubation, co-incubation, virtual incubation and full-time incubation programmes for proof of concept, testing, validation, trials and commercial operation, Thomas said.

Stating that this is the second incubator for start-ups in Manipal, Ballal said the other one is Manipal Universal Technology Business Incubator (MUTBI). He said MUTBI has already supported 30 start-ups since it was set up in 2010. MUTBI is funded by the Central government and the bio-incubator will be funded by the Karnataka government, he said.

Srihari Y Upadhayay, CEO of MUTBI, spoke about the existing incubator and how it has helped the start-ups to become recognized businesses.

Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister, Ashwath Narayan, who is also the Minister for Higher Education, IT, BT, Science and Technology and Medical Education, will inaugurate the bio-incubator in Manipal on October 25.