Air-compressor manufacturing major Elgi Equipments has developed products with specific focus on energy efficiency.

Unveiling the encapsulated screw air compressors with variable frequency drives (EN VFD) and Heat Recovery Systems (HRS) at Intec 2019, an industrial expo that is now under way at the Codissia Trade Fair Complex in Coimbatore, Jairam Varadaraj, Managing Director, Elgi Equipments, said, “The EN VFD optimises air flow by varying the motor speed of the compressor according to air demand, thus saving energy costs unlike that of fixed speed compressors.

“The EN series models are equipped with smart controllers that monitor, control and protect the compressor from failures by shutting down the compressor whenever necessary. The HRS will help companies recover over 95 per cent of heat generated during the compression process for heating air (space) or water. This way, it not only serves as an energy saving device but helps reduce carbon-dioxide emission. The HRS retrofitted to any compressor to get hot water,” Varadaraj said.

The company has installed over 2 million compressors across 100 countries.

Stating that the EN VFD air-compressor is not specific to any industry, Varadaraj said that 95 per cent of industries have variable air demand and the pay back period of this machine “is not years, but only months.”

The company is looking at acquisition opportunities in the US, Europe, Australia, Indonesia and Thailand, Varadaraj said.