Andhra Pradesh government has sought ₹1,139 crore from the Centre to take up various permanent restoration and relief works in the wake of damage to infrastructure and crops in recent floods.

As per a report submitted to the Centre on the damage caused by the Godavari floods, the State government has identified damage to crops, homes, irrigation projects and roads, among others.

ALSO READ: Floods: AP govt steps up relief measures

The floods had adversely affected 467 villages and damaged various areas as the State had witnessed highest-level Godavari floods in the last 16 years, the report said. The floods had damaged crops in 30,000 acres while horticulture suffered loss in about 22,000 acres.

The State government, which had earlier requested for an immediate assistance of ₹224 crore, has now requested for ₹1,139 crore to undertake permanent restoration works. According to the report, the restoration of roads and water works alone would require 699 crore and ₹380 crore respectively.