Ahmedabad, July 2 Under the Centre's ambitious Bharatnet project to cover rural India with digital network, Gujarat government on Friday informed that it has connected about 99.97 per cent of the State's 14,265 panchayats across 33 districts.

Under the BharatNet project, underground cables spread across more than 35,000 km have been laid in the State, which has provided connectivity to panchayats "It is a matter of pride for Gujarat that at present, Bharatnet Phase-2 is being implemented in 9 states of the country with the ‘state led’ model," said Bhupendra Patel, Chief Minister of Gujarat, adding that Gujarat has started various public services delivery through digital network.

"The facility of optical fiber connectivity has reached almost all the Gram Panchayats of the State. With this, people living in remote rural areas will also be able to avail benefits of various government services easily. We are ensuring that every citizen has digital access to government services," said Patel in a statement.

Digital Seva Setu app

'Digital Seva Setu' an online public service program was started in 2020 to provide citizen-oriented government facilities to the people at their doorstep. "Today, under this program about 312 services of the state government’s 11 departments are available online through more than 14,000 Gram panchayats and more than 70 lakh applications have been resolved so far," a statement said.

In the transport sector too, a single app is being developed to avail every transport related government service. About 16 services including vehicle and license related services will be available through the app, the statement said.