Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) has invited corporate houses to plan their CSR projects with the nodal agency so as to support the government’s vision on supporting innovative ideas through nascent firms.

The focus areas for 2021 are entrepreneurship development, start-up incubators, education and skill development, women and child safety, environmental sustainability and rural development, sanitation and drinking water, healthcare and allied infrastructure, and Covid-19 solutions.

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KSUM’s “impeccable record, growth and global position will provide your company with unmatched potential for your CSR activities, with assured impact, value and visibility”, the organisation said.

The government has introduced several provisions under the Companies Act, 2013, which enable corporates to contribute their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds to approved TBIs and registered not-for-profit entities that can act as start-up supporting entities in specific areas. Corporates can support KSUM start-ups through CSR donations and grants.

KSUM, as a non-profit entity registered in 2014 under Society Act 1956, is an incubator approved by the Union government’s Department of Science and Technology’s National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board.

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The agency, which works for the promotion of entrepreneurship development and incubation activities in Kerala, undertakes planning, establishment and management of technology business incubators and accelerators to promote technology-based ventures by creating the infrastructure and environment.

Start-ups/corporates can apply through the link