Although the number of Covid victims in Amravati district has dropped sharply in the last few days, the outbreak is not yet over. Therefore, liquid oxygen tanks should be ordered and other corona prevention measures taken as soon as possible, said Yashomati Thakur, Minister of Woman and Child Welfare, in a media statement.

Thakur, who is also the guardian minister of Amravati district, said despite the daily decline in the numbers, the risk of new infection persists. Therefore, planned works should be completed within the stipulated time,

Health administration officials should follow-up regularly on the equipment required for medical treatment and visit rural hospitals to check whether equipment is in working condition, she said in the statement.

In the backdrop of complaints about the district ambulance service in many places, the terms and conditions of the agreement between the district administration and the service providers should be examined. The service should be improved immediately.

The District Collector, Shailesh Nawal, detailed the corona prevention measures and steps taken to control the price of oxygen and oxygen transport in the district.