Banking operations in Karnataka were affected at the branch level by the two-day strike called by the All India Nationalised Bank Officers’ Federation (AINBOF) on March 15 and 16 to oppose the Centre’s move to privatise public sector banks which was announced in the Budget 2021.. RRB unions have joined the strike and are demanding implementation of the 11th bipartite settlement.

“The services affected were cheque collection and clearing. However, at zonal, regional and head offices, operations were normal,” said a senior bank officer.

AINBOF is the largest trade union focused on the welfare of officers of the nationalised banks.

RRB unions join strike

Meanwhile, the United Forum of RRB Unions (UFRRBU), an umbrella organisation of eight apex-level unions of Regional Rural Banks have also joined the strike.

The strike call has been given to oppose the move to privatise public sector banks and demand complete implementation of the 11th bipartite settlement and eighth joint note of the officers’ wage revision in RRBs.

In a press note, the General Secretary of the All India Grameen Bank Employees’ Association, G G Gandhi, said the UFRRBU had asked members to participate in the strike as the government policy of privatisation of public sector banks was detrimental to the interests of the common people.

He said the terms of award of the National Industrial Tribunal had been upheld by the Supreme Court and RRB staff were entitled to get a complete bipartite wage revision settlement. Although the 11th bipartite settlement was finalised in November, 2020, even after a lapse of four months, it had not been implemented, he said.