Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Amit Shah, who began his campaign for the upcoming Assembly elections in Karnataka by offering prayers at Kukke Subrahmanya Temple (around 100 km from Mangaluru) on Tuesday, said that BJP will form a full-majority government in Tripura.

Addressing Nava Shakti Samavesh of party workers at Kulkunda in Subrahmanya after visiting the temple, he said that the party did not have even a presence earlier, and only one candidate was able to retain his deposit earlier. “When you watch the results of Tripura (assembly election) on March 3, it will be a full majority BJP government,” he said.

Highlighting the reasons behind this, he said one is the popularity of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, and the second one is the power of booth-level party worker.Based on this action plan, the party has won Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Assam, Himalaya, and next win will be Tripura. The victory was impossible in some of these places.

He said Karnataka has had a good organisation structure since very long. He urged the Nava Shakti workers (nine workers from each booth level) should take this action plan as their ‘Bhagavad Gita’, to do their booth-level planning. “Don’t fight the election at constituency level, but fight it at booth level. You will be win,” he said.

‘Corruption in Karnataka’

He said that the present Karnataka government headed by Siddaramaiah cannot work for development. Corruption should stop in Karnataka, if it has to develop. Ministers of Siddaramaiah’s cabinet have corruption charges on them, he said. The present government has indulged in the politics of appeasement and vote bank.

Referring to the latest incident of the son of a Bengaluru MLA, who indulged in a brawl and beat up a person, Shah said the complaint was not taken up in spite of the attack on the victim. It is not just because the accused is the son of MLA. It is because of the vote bank politics of his government, he said.

To a recent demand of Siddaramaiah to give details on the funds released by the Centre for the developmental works in Karnataka, Shah said Karantaka had got Rs 88,583 crore assistance from the Centre during the UPA government and 13th Finance Commission.

The Modi Government has given Rs 2,19,506 crore, which is Rs 1,30,000 crore more than the previous one. He asked Siddaramaiah where did Rs 1,30,000 crore go, and said it was used for the corruption of Congress ministers. He urged the Navashakti members to uproot the Siddaramaiah government in the forthcoming Assembly elections in the state.