Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday said that vaccine majors Pfizer and Moderna had conveyed to the Delhi government that they will not be able to directly sell vaccines to the national capital, but would only deal with the central government on this count.

He appealed to the Centre to quickly approve the vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna and import them to the States.

Seeks speedy approval

The Delhi government now wants the Centre to approve the Covid vaccines of Pfizer, Montana and Johnson and Johnson on a “war footing “ so that vaccine availability can be improved in the country, said Manish Sisodia, Deputy Chief Minister at a separate digital press briefing on Monday.

“Pfizer and Moderna have refused to sell to us directly saying they are talking to the Centre. The Centre has not approved Pfizer and Moderna whereas the world over they have been approved and have been bought by countries for their citizens”, Sisodia said.

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He said that US gave Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson approval in December last year. “The Centre has not given approval to any of these three as yet. Why should we only depend on domestic vaccines? 85 countries have given approval to use Pfizer, 46 countries have given it to Moderna and 41 countries to Johnson and Johnson. We are still sleeping. Is this a joke?Centre is telling us to buy vaccines globally but there is no approval for those vaccines as yet from the central government “, Sisodia said.

He also highlighted how countries abroad were quick to respond and made advanced procurement orders.

“Across the world, countries kept an eye on vaccine development. By November 2020, US and EU gave orders for 70 crore vaccines. They now have enough vaccines for their residents. By January the UK had placed orders for enough vaccines for 70 per cent of its population. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had visited Serum Institute of India last year but did not invest in them or place orders. Only after April this year did this happen. The US started investing in March 2020. Government of India kept sleeping and is sleeping even now “, Sisodia said.

He said that Pfizer and Moderna had refused to engage with the Delhi government and other States.

Punjab had on Sunday said that Moderna had declined to sell vaccines directly to the State and that it preferred to deal only with the central government.

No vaccination due to shortage


Meanwhile, Sisodia said on Monday that all the 400 vaccination sites for the 18 to 44 age group have been closed in Delhi due to vaccine shortage. He also noted that vaccination centres administering Covaxin to the 45+ age group, healthcare workers and frontline workers have also been shut down due to vaccine shortage.