Delhi, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu saw the highest number of cases registered for the seizure of fake Indian currency notes in 2018. According to the latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report, of the total registered cases, 47 per cent came from these three States.

In 2018, according to the report, 2,57,243 fake currency notes were seized, of which 67,324 were seized in New Delhi, 28,855 in Gujarat and 24,715 in Tamil Nadu. In some States, including Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Jharkhand, Meghalaya and Sikkim, no fake currency cases were registered. Also, most of the Union Territories reported non-seizure of fake currency. The total value of the seized fake currency stood at ₹17.95 crore.

Registration of FIRs

In Jammu and Kashmir, 868 fake notes with a value of ₹8,85,500 were seized and nine FIRs were registered. None of the accused were found. Across India, 914 FIRs were registered, with Uttar Pradesh filing the most (206), followed by West Bengal (158), Tamil Nadu (72) and Gujarat (67).

Out of the 1,002 accused in these cases, 187 were from West Bengal, 94 from Andhra Pradesh and 93 from Maharashtra.

Across India, 54,776 fake currency notes of ₹2,000 and 27,472 fake currency notes of ₹1,000 were seized. Also, 355.9 crore currency notes of ₹500 (old) were seized during the year. No fake currency of ₹500 (new) was detected.

In a move to curb the black money menace, Prime Ministery Narendra Modi in 2016 had declared that the currency notes of ₹1,000 and ₹500 denominations would not be legal tender.

Currency smuggling

Last July, the government told the Lok Sabha that two seizures were made in Nepal and India, in which fake Indian currency notes were being smuggled into India from Pakistan. Cases have also been reported of fake Indian notes being smuggled in from across the border, including from Nepal and Bangladesh.

“Security at the international borders has been strengthened by using new surveillance technology, deploying additional manpower for round-the-clock surveillance, establishing observation posts along the international border, erection of border fencing and intensive patrolling,” the Ministry of Home Affairs told the Lok Sabha.