The representatives of 40 farmers’ organisations, who are protesting along the borders of Delhi, have told the Centre that they are ready for dialogue on December 29, but the agenda should include the modalities to repeal the three farm laws.

The organisations also maintained their stand on the Electricity Act amendments and the Commission for the Air Quality Management in the National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas Ordinance.

The letter, addressed to Vivek Aggarwal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, said the Centre’s earlier letter was a continuation of the attempt to mislead the public by suppressing true facts about the deliberations in the previous meetings.

“We propose that the next meeting between the farmers’ representatives and the Government be held on December 29 at 11am, with the following agenda, as per the sequence mentioned below: 1. Modalities to be adopted for the repeal of the three Central Farm Acts; 2. Mechanisms to be adopted to make remunerative MSP recommended by the National Farmers’ Commission into a legally guaranteed entitlement for all farmers and all agricultural commodities; 3. Amendments to be made and notified in the “Commission for the Air Quality Management in the National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas Ordinance, 2020” to exclude farmers from the penal provisions of the Ordinance; 4. Changes to be made in the draft Electricity Amendment Bill 2020 to protect the interests of farmers,” the letter said.

‘Govt distorting facts’

The farmers said they had consistently demanded the repeal of the three farm laws, whereas the government has distorted their position as if farmers were asking for amendments to these Acts. “If you are sincere about respectfully listening to the farmers, as you say in your letter, the government must not indulge in misinformation about the previous meetings. The campaign launched by the entire state machinery to defame and malign the farmers’ movement must stop forthwith,” the farmers demanded in the letter and reiterated their openness to “sincere dialogue”.

The letter was drafted at a meeting of the organisations at Singhu border on Saturday.