Two days after ‘Operation Arjun’ was called off against Pakistan, Border Security Force (BSF) Chief KK Sharma said he wished that it would survive so that both civilian deaths as well as that of soldiers along the Line of Control are not only minimised but also prevented.

“I wish it (the cease-fire) survives. We never initiate, we only react. So it is in the hands of the other side whether it will last for a longer duration or whether it will be over within the next few hours,” Sharma said at a talk organised by the Indian Association of Foreign Affairs Correspondents.

“We both agreed that civilian casualties are to be avoided and they are regretted. And we both decided to cease fire with immediate effect

Rohingya refugee crisis

Sharma said the BSF is watching the Indo-Bangla border closely as heavy infiltration of Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh is expected.

“Rohingyas have been coming in waves to Bangladesh. The chance of a spillover is real. Our policy is to stop illegal immigration,” he said.