A trade union of Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) workers affiliated with the INTUC, the trade union of the Congress, has written to party’s former president Rahul Gandhi against a tweet by former finance minister P Chidambaram asking the Centre to accelerate disinvestment.

The union has decided to write to all Congress MPs to oppose privatisation of public sector enterprises when Parliament meets next week for the Monsoon Session.

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General secretary of LIC Employees Union and national organising secretary of INTUC Deepak Sharma said in the letter that Chidambaram’s statement fogged Congress’s stand on the issue. A day after Chidambaram’s tweet, Rahul Gandhi tweeted on Tuesday that the Prime Minister “is selling country’s assets to solve problems created by himself,” he said and termed the move to sell LIC as “shameless.”

Sharma thanked Gandhi for his support to workers and policyholders in the LIC. “Your statement will clear the fog which was created after the statement made by senior Congress leader P Chidambaram,” Sharma’s letter said.

Sharma tweeted “As per the media reports, Govt. may sell 25 per cent stake in LIC. We are feeling scared by the speed of marathon disinvestment. What acceleration in disinvestment you (Chidambaram) want?” he asked.

Sharma told BusinessLine “We have reached out to all Congress MPs to help in the fight. Chidambaram was not available for comments.