Nest Group in association with the Japan-based Oceanaid Group, has developed a technology for pollutant-free water bodies in Kochi.

The technology will soon been introduced in the Kochi water bodies. The presentation of the technology was held here on Saturday.

Nest Group managing director N Jahangir said that with the introduction of this technology, drinking water crisis in the State could be resolved. He said that the nano bubbles developed through the technology could purify water bodies of even large size.

The trial run of the project was carried out at Thevara - Perandoor canal and it was a great success, he said.

Oceanaid Group member and Japanese researcher Masanori Yamada, Jun Kubo, Teppei Yamada explained the functioning of the technology to purify water. They pointed out that the water bodies in Kochi are the worst polluted and stressed the need to protect them.

The technology now developed could purify the Thevara - Perandoor canal, which is the most polluted in Kochi. The nano bubble generators installed at the water bodies will help in cleaning it. The nano bubbles discharged from the generator will have a magnetic power to attract the waste from the canals. This will separate the waste and make the water clean, the research team added.