V. K. Srinivasan, noted bureaucrat, columnist and director of the Institute of Economic Studies, passed away late on Monday after a prolonged illness in Hyderabad. He was 76 and is survived by a son and a daughter.

The 1963 batch IAS officer rose to the position of Special Chief Secretary in the combined Andhra Pradesh state. He also did stints at the Centre with the Ministry of Finance and the Khadi & Village Industries Commission, Mumbai.

Known for his candid views and uprightness in the Services, Srinivasan ruffled many feathers in the corridors of power during his career. It resulted in several transfers as well. He served as Collector in Karimnagar and Anantapur districts, and was known for his simple habits.

Post retirement he expressed his views freely on policy matters in public fora and wrote in a couple of newspapers. An expert on energy with professional training gained in the UK in Petroleum Economics, Srinivasan was particularly critical of the KG basin matters. He felt the Andhra Pradesh government was favouring the private sector at the expense of the public sector ONGC, which was detrimental to the growth of industries.

The medium-built Srinivasan was closely involved with the activities of the Federation of AP Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FAPCCI). He chaired many committees, which examined government policy and also in selection of excellence awards for industries.

He was also named Director of the Institute of Economic Studies, which brought out quite a few studies and reports on various aspects of the state and national economy.

A good cricketer, he was passionate about the game and was a ready reference source, with information at his fingertips. He was instrumental in supporting coaching academies for youngsters in the city.