Bharatiya Janata Party founder L.K. Advani is not known for taking emotional decisions. But his announcement on Monday that he is resigning from all decision-making panels of the BJP was not just a surprise for many, but showed signs of emotion from the ‘iron man’ of India’s principal opposition party.

Advani has been maintaining that he was unhappy with the way things were decided within the BJP.

“I no longer have the feeling that this is the same idealistic party created by Dr Mookerji, Deen Dayalji, Nanaji and Vajpayeeji, whose sole concern was the country, and its people. Most leaders of ours are now concerned just with their personal agendas,” the second paragraph of his letter said.

He said most of its leaders are concerned just with their personal agendas. There cannot be a better political tool for the BJP’s opponents than this. Advani himself has certified that most of the BJP leaders do not share the ideals of the party’s founders.

His problem was not just with his disciples such as Narendra Modi or Rajnath Singh. His problem was with the way the RSS micro-managed the affairs within the BJP.

BJP insiders argue that Advani himself had used the RSS against A.B. Vajpayee during the two NDA regimes. “He has no moral authority to blame the Sangh for organisational issues. It was he who started working for personal agendas in the party. It was he who destroyed the democracy within the BJP,” lamented another party veteran.

Advani’s real problems with the RSS started in 2005, when he was asked to resign as the BJP President following his remarks allegedly eulogising Mohammed Ali Jinnah. After this episode, the clashes between the Advani group and the RSS were almost routine.

Advani ensured that Nitin Gadkari, an RSS choice, did not get a second term as party president. The Sangh Parivar was waiting for a chance to get back. Ignoring Advani’s reservations, they pushed for a new role for Modi.

Now the RSS does not want the BJP leadership to give in to Advani’s pressure tactics. However, it will be very difficult for the party to ignore Advani.

By taking such a step, the 85-year-old veteran has entered the second innings of his seven-decade long political career. But it has to be seen whether this innings, started by publicly embarrassing the party he built, will serve the purpose.

It is interesting that Advani has not resigned from the posts of NDA working chairman, BJP Parliamentary party chairman and his membership of the Lok Sabha.