Continuing her testimony before the Solar Scam Enquiry Commission at Kochi, the accused Saritha S. Nair submitted purported call lists of her telephone conversations with a large number of Congress politicians, MLAs, and ministers.

The call lists, which were leaked to the media, claimed that she had 80 conversations on two telephone numbers at Chief Minister Oommen Chandy’s official residence in 2012-13. They also showed that Tenny Joppan, a former member of the Chief Minister’s personal staff, had 1,736 conversations; another assistant Jikku had 475 calls and Thomas Kuruvilla of Delhi, who is a personal friend of Chandy, had 140 calls.

The call lists also showed that Home Minister Ramesh Chennithala’s assistant; Power Minister Aryadan Mohammed, and former Union Minister in the Manmohan Singh Cabinet KC Venugopalan had all kept telephonic contacts with Saritha.

Saritha had, while deposing before the commission a fortnight before, claimed that Chandy had taken a bribe of ₹1.90 crore from her through the middleman Thomas Kuruvilla. She had also claimed that she had paid Aryadan Mohammed ₹40 lakh. Over the past weeks, Saritha, who had along with Biju Radhakrishnan set up Team Solar, purported to be a solar solutions company, claimed that she had bribed a number of ruling-party politicians in order to get the State Government’s support.