Two nano formulations – Fruity Fresh and Nano Sticker and Nano Pellets – out of the seven products that are in different stages of testing are expected to hit the agro market soon.

These products, developed at the Nano Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), besides being cost-effective, will help protect yield and enable farmers get better price, said SD Sivakumar, Director, Agri Business Development (ABD), TNAU.

KS Subramanian, Director of Research and Nabard Chair, TNAU, said, “Nano science is no rocket science. Started with zero funding in 2009, the (nano science) centre has in the last 10 years grown in leaps and bounds. Thanks to the Canadian government for their long-term support, the centre today is ready to commercialise Fruity Fresh, which is an advanced nano formulation for enhancing freshness of fruits and vegetables.

The formulation, developed in technical collaboration with the University of Guelph, Canada, contains hexanal, which is generally ‘recognised as safe’ and approved by the US FDA, has managed to keep fruits and vegetables fresh, extend shelf life and protect from post-harvest diseases.

“Pre-harvest spray of the formulation, two to four weeks prior to harvest, will help retain fruits in trees for an additional week to 10 days...., he added.